• Steve Burgess Methuselah in the Machine

    Updated: 2011-01-31 18:45:26
    Imagine an artificial being, granted the rights of humans but without a limited lifespan, that would have the ability to gather resources to itself indefinitely.

  • Mind-Boggling Science

    Updated: 2011-01-31 18:45:26
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view Will we be like those blind chickens Egypt : Lessons for US Foreign Policy Mind-Boggling Science Methuselah in the Machine Egypt’s Decision to Shut Down the Internet and Cell Phones Geopolitics in the 21st Century Does Not Compute : IEET Readers Unsure About Robot Rights How can a mindclone be an exact copy of a person’s mind IEET Appoints Wendell Wallach as Fellow Changing

  • Changing Education Paradigms

    Updated: 2011-01-31 18:45:26
    This animation was adapted from a talk given at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award.

  • IEET Appoints Wendell Wallach as Fellow

    Updated: 2011-01-31 18:45:26
    We are pleased to announce that Wendell Wallach has accepted an appointment as Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies for 2011.

  • Philosophy of science and life extension

    Updated: 2011-01-27 21:22:58
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Philosophy of science and life extension By Aschwin de Wolf on January 27th , 2011 Paul Edwards concludes his chapter The Semantic Challenge’ in his book God and the Philosophers with the following observation about logical : positivism It is not uncommon nowadays to hear logical positivism dismissed as a set of crude errors and confusions . This is done with an air condescension by philosophers whose writings are usually models of obscurity . To people of my generation who came to philosophy in the 1940s , when traditional

  • The Singularity: a Philosophical Analysis

    Updated: 2011-01-27 18:13:45
    For those who missed it, philosopher of mind David Chalmers published “The Singularity: a Philosophical Analysis” last April, and has been giving occasional talks on the subject matter. Chalmers was initially inspired to think about the Singularity from his invitation to our Singularity Summit conference in 2009.

  • Chinese Translation of “Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk” Now Available

    Updated: 2011-01-26 22:06:38
    The translation can be accessed here. The original is also available.

  • when a mad genius takes on the singularity

    Updated: 2011-01-24 11:47:40
    Long time readers might remember the first (and so far only) megalomaniacal mad genius to appear on this blog, Dr. Steel. Oh sure, there’s been a fair share of megalomaniacs in the comments here and there, but few of those could qualify for the genius part of the title so I’m omitting them from the [...]

  • Tallinn-Evans Challenge Grant Success!

    Updated: 2011-01-20 23:00:56
    Thanks to the effort of our donors, the Tallinn-Evans Singularity Challenge has been met! All $125,000 contributed will be matched dollar for dollar by Jaan Tallinn and Edwin Evans, raising a total of $250,000 to fund the Singularity Institute’s operations in 2011. On behalf of our staff, volunteers, and entire community, I want [...]

  • The RhinoChill: A New Way to Cool the Brain Quickly

    Updated: 2011-01-20 14:49:14
    : Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap The RhinoChill : A New Way to Cool the Brain Quickly By Mike Darwin on January 20th , 2011 We scientists are difficult , cranky , and above all , maddeningly frustrating people . Want to turn lead into gold No problem , we can tell you how to do that , and in fact have even done it already : the only catch is that the cost of such nuclear transmutation’ is many times that of even the most expensive mined gold . You say you want to travel to the moon Done That will be 80 billion in 2005 US dollars Want to increase average life

  • Imagine there’s no sleep

    Updated: 2011-01-19 14:55:08
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Imagine there’s no sleep By Luke Parrish on January 19th , 2011 Imagine that human culture has never experienced sleep but suddenly must experience it to survive . Would they be apprehensive about experiencing it for the first time Of course Just picture this total suspension of consciousness experienced for the very first time in human history . The notion would totally blow our minds . It would be completely shocking . We might even make up stories about dying and being replaced by an identical clone being , or trying to console

  • Paul Edwards on the fear of death

    Updated: 2011-01-18 13:10:03
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Paul Edwards on the fear of death By Aschwin de Wolf on January 18th , 2011 In his book God and the Philosophers the Austrian American atheist philosopher Paul Edwards : writes When we die we do not return to the bosom of Nature” or the bosom of anything . After death we will have no experiences at all for ever and ever and this is what is so terrible about death . The fear of death is no doubt instinctive , but it is also entirely rational . The usual consolation that we also did not exist for an infinite period before birth is not

  • kurzweil is an influential atheist? really? how?

    Updated: 2011-01-18 00:10:56
    Those of my readers who are lucky enough to deal with kids on a regular basis probably saw Despicable Me, and might remember how one of Gru’s little minions reacted to a child blaming it for making a mess. Well, that was my reaction when I saw that Ray Kurzweil was named one of the [...]

  • Prospects for Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia and Improved CPR in Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation

    Updated: 2011-01-15 23:15:34
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Prospects for Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia and Improved CPR in Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation By Mike Darwin on January 15th , 2011 There are two kinds of hypothermia : protective or preservative hypothermia , and therapeutic hypothermia . The former is easy and straightforward to understand for most , clinicians and laymen , alike . However , therapeutic hypothermia has proved to be a far more difficult idea to communicate , probably because it is so easy to conflate it with protective . hypothermia Anyone who has had any

  • Suspended Animation Conference 2011

    Updated: 2011-01-10 22:59:24
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Suspended Animation Conference 2011 By Aschwin de Wolf on January 10th , 2011 The cryonics company Suspended Animation will sponsor the conference , Suspended Animation The Company and The Goal , 8221 which will be held in Fort Lauderdale in May , 2011. The conference will feature speakers on the latest strategies and advances toward perfecting reversible human suspended animation . During the conference , SA will also host tours and demonstrations at its facility in Boynton Beach . 8221 More information about the program , registration

  • 2010 Singularity Institute Publications

    Updated: 2011-01-06 02:26:14
    Basic AI Drives and Catastophic Risks (Carl Shulman, 2010) Coherent Extrapolated Volition: A Meta-Level Approach to Machine Ethics (Nick Tarleton, 2010) Economic Implications of Software Minds (S. Kaas, S. Rayhawk, A. Salamon and P. Salamon, 2010) From mostly harmless to civilization-threatening: pathways to dangerous artificial general intelligences (Kaj Sotala, 2010) Implications of a software‐limited singularity (Carl Shulman, Anders Sandberg, [...]

  • Support real progress in life extension

    Updated: 2011-01-04 08:10:27
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Support real progress in life extension By Aschwin de Wolf on January 4th , 2011 As we start the new year , it is helpful to draw attention to the sobering fact that no credible human rejuvenation therapies are available today , and it is doubtful that such therapies will see the light of day in the short term . Greg Fahy’s recent monumental collection of  interventive gerontology articles , The Future of Aging : Pathways to Human Life Extension review forthcoming in Cryonics magazine leaves little doubt about this predicament . It

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